After 2 years, the project for cross-border cooperation again showed results. Namely, the two municipalities from the Macedonian side, the municipality of Pehčevo, and from the Bulgarian side, the municipality…

Within the project “Platform for cross-border festival tourism in the field of culture and traditions”, the Municipality of Pehchevo on October 11 (Thursday) starting at 15:00, organizes a festival for…

The religious holiday Pavloven is a holiday of the city of Pehcevo and therefore the municipality, traditionally for the sixth year in a row, organizes the Festival of brass orchestras.

Верскиот празник Павловден е празник на градот Пехчево и поради тоа општината, традиционално веќе шеста година по ред го организира Фестивалот на дувачки оркестри.