After 2 years, the project for cross-border cooperation again showed results. Namely, the two municipalities from the Macedonian side, the municipality of Pehčevo, and from the Bulgarian side, the municipality…

The ninth edition of the Festival of Trumpets in Pehchevo announces hot nights in Pehchevo. Maleshevia region will echo the trumpet virtuosos on July 12 and 13. The tradition of…

Within the project “Platform for cross-border festival tourism in the field of culture and traditions”, the Municipality of Pehchevo on October 11 (Thursday) starting at 15:00, organizes a festival for…

Pehchevo is ready for the 8th edition of the Trumpet Festival, which has grown into a brand of Maleshevo and Macedonia. From Thursday, July 12 to Saturday, July 14, the…

The religious holiday Pavloven is a holiday of the city of Pehcevo and therefore the municipality, traditionally for the sixth year in a row, organizes the Festival of brass orchestras.

Верскиот празник Павловден е празник на градот Пехчево и поради тоа општината, традиционално веќе шеста година по ред го организира Фестивалот на дувачки оркестри.